Poor mental health

Lots of young people struggle with anxiety or depression. Make sure you ask for help. Most universities will offer support for this.

Dealing with diabetes is challenging and can cause stress. After all, you need to think of it the whole day and you cannot take holiday from it.

Of course, the main tip when suffering mentally is to tell your doctor and your university well-being team about feeling mentally unwell. They can refer you to a support team. Also, if you have a good relationship with your family, talk with someone close to you.

Other tips

Here are just some other tips on what you can do:

  1. Talk to your diabetes care team about getting a hybrid closed loop system. This makes self management easier because it automatically adjusts your insulin.

  2. Talk to your diabetes care team about being on a diabetes course to get your blood glucose under control. It is a great way to learn more, get lots of tips. In the UK, there is the DAPHNE programme, which is highly recommended.

  3. Attend a diabetes peer group. People who have the same experience are in a good position to support you and they will understand you well.

  4. Do exercise. Exercise helps you to manage your blood glucose and many people feel happier when doing exercise.